The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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I PAGE TWELVE SECTION TWO A THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER The Foremost Newspaper of the Two Carolinas THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24 1938 "PNEM 'MT a 1-h-i '0't AD goalik AligADuteDeDDIA solokyouPoloollwAiidofrwt 4: aaa le) ''17441 ') ''1 7 To ki 0 4 's i'46 's OltartrittcObovflicr i 04'1 It I II 401 at ir WZZI11 TROTTER Financial Editor 4 IM 800NMOVOI010PNOWNOOMPFORMfttdOOPIMIONSMII 7 owe it smi140A4e40444446ewas MMEM J1 Sales Last Price Quotations and Net Changes for the Day NEW YORK STOCK LIST High and Low Price Records For the Day and Rates I Previous High Low I Previous Isles Net High Low Stocks Div linrird High Low Lo4 Chg Previous High Low p-193S-- Previous Net High Low Storks Div Hndrd High Low Last Chg 'tales Net Storks Div Hndrd High Law Litt Pales Net Stocks Div Hndrd High Low Last (kg In The Spotlight II 1 4 614 3 Erie I 334 3 334 le file tivi Erie ht pir 11 31'4 314 ki 514 IN Eureka lar CI 1 4111 414 41m le liPs Vs Evans Prod 4 Va 91ri Oa IA -F 231e 24) 1117 lolle Ve 113 lihl VIA 4111 re Pe re Atlantic net (1) 15 23a 2314 23'n All liefin of (1) 1 10014 111614 10614 MIMI Corp (AO) 3 Allan Powd pf (5) 20 115 115 115 Allan Tack (50G) 1 0111 014 fl14 Auburn Auto 4114 44 41i Avial Corp 10 117a 11's 334 1i 14 14 I lti 1 It 4- I 841 1141 4- al( 1 (By The Fresol NEW YORK Feb high low closing prices and net ehange of the 13 most active stocks today Sales In lindx High Low Chino Net Ch Rubber 2n0 311t 311 111 Anaconda Copper 215 :151 311n 354 1 'n Steel 217 3113 AV 11711 2n Central 211 Hit lAtt bit Nickel Can tom 3214 3134 11112 13n Deere Co 2flh1 211 2114 1247s Bethlehem Steel 2imi owls Mit ii0111 Yellow Trk Coach WI 1114 133s 1114 31 General Motors 111 37 3614 37 13s Republic Steel isr 1404 110 Chrysler Corp 1101 3914 3734 11134 2111 Montgomery Ward 137 31n 304 n1m 1'4 Goodyear 1341 21 2514 25111 1 Int Tel Tel 101 711 silt 714 Southern Pacific 112 2104 192 204 11411 34 1 22 714 WI I I 21I't 15 104 14 914 14 1414 P14 14 2114 141 2134 81a MO 14 I 1611I 1 28 214 2" 22'm 1334 2P4 211 31 41 I 7 131 2131 1 no 113i 14 I 113 I 210 5:1 IPR 2i14 1011 004 1374 103 31" 20 211i 22)4 1334 2134 31 I 2 2112 1314 30 1114 RO 711 74 lit 7 341 19 32 32 91i 4 3'g Vs 4 31i 114 17 17 17 $31i 33 33 23 23 23 33 Ili AA Ti 33 31 34 3i 1M lg i 13114 211 2'h 21i 34134 O'i 3411 Will 1714 1714 414 414 414 27 241i 2034 24 7n 2A 123i 11111 12141 1113i 1914 121:4 1 19 1113i 1234 133k 'Ni' 391 6031 131t 93 2171 1334 1314 31134 1 8 1 31 14 ti I -I- 234 l's 13s 1 14 14 19 Wm DO 31i 81 11'n XI 83 81 25 2111 25 105 105 165 4111 411 411S 231 221 21111 1214 1211 1211 911 9111 911 1:114 18 1314 911 91i Oin WA 1114 4134 22IN 211s 2211 714 71 lin We 351a 851n 714 714 131s 1311 18's At at At 451i 451's 451's 111 21 191i 21 1011 3912 1011 1044 1014 104a 2014 20 20 MI 2ati 211 01114 9434 8t3i 611s 60114 It 171'4 7114 5114 5111 54'1 1614 IA 164 31 1014 811 1014 II lls 2111 2 21 1113 90111 91 :1712 311Is 37311 36 86 86 3i 51 al 104i 1(04 11'4 31 1114 104 30 1614 121i 714 13'4 1044 394 6011 13 93 2414 1544 1314 30 27 9714 44 1914 314 0 14 In 110i 9'4 1134 34 1814 8'4 29 IA 12 71i 1214 1814 3914 1004 15 95 24'4 1514 13 2814 2814 8714 44 25 314 9 2334 3914 2 211S 1611 Martin Glenn 63 Vs 2s Martin Parry 3114 29 Masonite tl) 5 2214 Mathieson Alk (10) 4 Math Alk Will tif (1) 30 4211 3431 May Dept Store (3) 2 25 22 Maytag pf ssw (3) 2 1511 1211 McCall (150) fi 10 1a McCrory Stores (50G) 1 111 19 McGraw El til 1011 147 1 McGraw-11 Pub (15E) 1 451a 40 Meinty Min C2) 19 2(la 1931 McKee Tin (2) 1 611 fihs Me Koss and Rob 7 351i 29 McKean Rob pC (3) 1 4 McLellan Stores (40E) 15 1114 Mead Corp (150G) 2 fit 69 Mear pf ww (550) 4111 Melville Shoe (1E) AN 4 Mengel 6 221S 1 Mengel 5 pc pf C250) 1110 431a 30 Mesta Mach Co (1E) lila 111 Miami Copprr (15G) 118 22a 111a Mid-Con Petrol (1506) 8 21IS 20s Midland Steel (5() 1911s 93 Midland Sit Ist pf (S) 65 4011 Minn-Honey Reg (3) II 714 54 Minn Mot Imp 35 00 59 Minn Not 1m pf (850(1) 2 Minn 8 SSM IL 40 1111 Mission Corp (125(i) 2 33a 211 Mo Kens Tex 5 111a 1'14 Missouri Tex P1 IA 1 Missouri Pacific 8 34 Cia Mo Pao pi 911a 11e Monsantt Ch (2) 12 311 3111a Mont Ward (50E)151 391a 31 Mor Essex (3)1113)20 It ilit Mother Lode 145G) 213a 153s Motor Prod (5G) 11 It 10 la Motor Wheel (20E) 2 2111 Ifi Is Mueller Brass IIA) 11 Vls 47a Mullin Mfg ICI 1 Munsingwear (25E) I 151 50 Murphy (t) lt 101 Murphy pf (4)80 1 5 Murray Am (25G) 41 431 Myers Bro (1156) 2 I 5 4 op 2 2 8 1 8 1 9 1 I 2 I 6 0 6 8 6 0 5 2 0 2 5 11 8 0 8 21 213 211 27 2AN4 26 AA 63 8311 AS A1A 1011 1314 1613 1'4 1734 1734 173t 14 CI 414 tit kt R34 toi 1613 16'4 1614 4- 1 314 A Ain AA 011 2113 2214 a4 3074 3044 3034 04 10 63 66 6'3 97 67 97 13 15 13 1313 13 13 1514 1333 133i 4- 13 Vs 213 213 13 26 23 25 IS 21Ih 2114 211i 14 2014 194 2014 114 1 213 1233 1234 114 2033 201A 20113 111 314 8 3 13 31g Ali Vis 4- 13 A I 104i 4- 1 13 13 13 1111i 31 RI' 4 116 lilk 111k link rik co alt look 1 2013 203(1 2013 141A A A1A IA 1021A 102IA 1027A As Vs ha ri In 914 934 9 14 22 2114 2113 14 3363 3234 33h 16 34 3314 51 I tit 53 53 4ii 241i 2113 2114 4- 14 58Ai 5108 510A At 101A 10 101A AA 911 01A 01A II 0 01A 514 1111i SI 11111 4 13 1313 13 1334 14 2113 25 2713 4- $ilt elk 2 21 It 1514 Isk Isik 114 rink 1734 1714 14 2014 20t4 2514 4- 14 94 9 034 71i 7111 116 it 3 Seaboard Air Lino PI 1 1111 Seab Oil Co (I) 45 51Ik Sears Roeb (3A) 13 Servel In (1 1 43 1514 Sharon Corp (120) I 4 Sharpe Bohm 4 Shattuck 41() (10E) 1 141)1 Shell In Oil (1G 10 01 a Silver King Co (25E) 13 14Is Simmons (225(i) 1:4 214a Skelly OIL I i30(1) 7 Sin4111 14 Stair (I511Gi 310 115 Sloss Shff 14t of (0) 70 14111 Smith (1021261 1 1 Snider Pao 115E) 5 133i Soronv Vacuum (501 214 Sou Am PI 206 1 5 22 So Porto Rieo 14 (2) 11 2411a South Cal Edi (150A) 1 10Ia Southern 113 10 Southern Railway 51 15I's Southern By pl 23 3 Spalding 2 Sparks Withington 4 7 Spear Co (50) 1 1111 Sperry Corp (120G) IK 13 Spicer Mfg 1 841 Spicer pf (8) 120 141i Spleget Ina (1) R3 11 Sp14e1 In pf (450) 320 Ws Square Co It (2G) 4 l'a Standard Brands 4601 71 10211 Stand Brands pf (450) 2 314 Stand Gas Fl 4 6101 Stand Gas Elea pf 21 Stand $1 pr pf 3 284 Stand Oil Calif (IA) ra 81 la Std Oil Ind (I) 15 44I1 Stand Oil 41A 117 22 Starrett 4350(i) 1 511i Sled Prod (UM) 141a Stew Warn Sp 450A) 4 PI Stone Webster SO Cif Studebaker 21 4141 Sun Oil (1A) 2 Ws Sunshine Mng (3) 25 23 Superheater Co (25E) 13 3t2 Superior Oil JO 13 Superior Steel 1 1414 Swift Co (120) 1 2314 Swift Int (2) 1 Its Sym-Gould ww (25F 10 5711 Sym-Gould xw (25E) 12 List Sweeps Up 4110 1 1034 734 10's 114 1334 9'S Al 30 10 14'S 101S 8 30 271i WS 13 1134 1111S 8314 7'4 Ws 103s 103s 9 11534 5131 MIS 14'S 08's 99's 21 21 1111 13'S 14 1134 3AIS 2012 30 23's 021S 80 413s 40 193s 17'S 21111 22 434 3 140N 7744 261:4 1034 1934 234 134 934 Ps 133s Ir's 37 23'4 211i 10 734 934 VA 4'i Al's 40's 08 20 15's 31'S 21'S 83s 7 2404 1014 3'S 2 A'S 07i 22 19 41i 3'S 1134 108 3634 30t4 1914 Bald Ioe et 95 Bait Ohio 32 Built Ohio pi 13 Bang Ar (250) 1 Barber Co (1() 117 Barker Br (75G) 3 Baker pf (175A) 160 Barnsdall (1) fit) Bayuk (11111E) 11 Reid Ilemingw (I) Bend Aviat (1) 20 fteiipf Ind 1n (2G) 1 Best (250A) 3 Beth Sti 200 Beth SU pf (I) 4 Beth SO 7 pt (7) IKigel Sant 1 Black Deck (1) 2 tilaw Knox (120(1) 11 Boeing Airp (40G) 133 Bohn Alum (46) 3 Bon Am) A (1E) 30 Bon Anil 40 Borden (IMO) 11 Borg-Warner (2A) 22 Bost Maine 6 Bridgp Br (75G) 11 Bristol Mfg (4G) 25 Brit Myers (240) 1 Brook Qu Tran 2 Bklyn Qu Tr pf 8 Bklyn-Mh Trans 9 Bklyn-Mh Tr pf ((I) I Bklyn Gas 2 Brunaw Balks (IG) Bucyrus-Erie (736) 2 Budd Mfg 29 Budd Mfg pf 130 Budd Wheel (206) 7 Bullard Co (25E) 3 Butova Wat (4) Burlingt Mills (I) 47 Burr Add Mh (20E) 8 Bush Terminal 1 Butler Br 0)0) 4 Butler Br pf (I50) 1 Butte (10G) 13 Byers (AM) (o IINPril (AM) pf (2506) 100 Byron Jack (50E) I Stocks Add 1 To 3 Points Or More Under tained Buying Induced By Relaxation Of Tension In Europe 2712 4t 18ti 25'i 24t4 301 2 4 la iv 1 1114 14 14 30 2112 04 107 012 11101 2612 3314 34112 34 20 3814 I112 1114 71k 5714 1114 2214 34 1714 1012 27 1014 812 ti 'a -4- 1 1 '11 4- 111 111 11134 10 11 lit 123it 123N 1774 10It 0301 011 Alt 11'1 1112 1111 5114 hi 0114 10234 1021i 10234 034 RI fis 46 4 8 46 STOCK AVERAGES (Compiled by the Associated Press) So 13 IS 24 Indust Rails Viols Stocks Ne4 things 4 10 4- 10 4 1 411 Wednesday 072 2011 221 182 Previous day 628 192 317 454 Month ago h19 ISA 1121 434 Tom' ago 994 422 603 722 1938 High 622 210 319 410 1931 Low 592 11R 3011 413 1937 high 1916 495 510 753 1037 iow 677 190 310 417 I li Fairbanks Co 90 ll'i 511 Fairbanks Co pf 30 33li 2514 Fairbanka 1) 5 33 Ms Fajardo Sug (1E) I ittli 9 k'eder It Tr (I(i) 2 4 Vit Feder Motor 2 431 3 Fed Screw Wile 7 2 IAS Feder Wit Spry A I IA 1514 Feder Dept Sirs (25E) 1 33 2714 Fidel Ph IF In (180A) 4 2Al1 1)11a Firestone TA (30E) 2 1r3 88'3 Firestone TAR pf (8) I 347i 28 First Nat Strs (821A) 2 Ws 14AS Flintkoto (I) 23 3 2a Follansbee 1 27 Food Mach (250) A 21111 Ili Foster Wheeler II As 312 Frandsen Sus I 2g 21li Freeport Sul (2) 19 27 231i Fuller Co pr pt 220 1414 914 Fuller 2nd pt 90 -G---- In I2li Gai Robert pt 4 Iti3i 131a Gamewell to 80 90 III Gannett Co pf (A) 20 Ili fili Gar Wood Ind (25G) 8 I's AA Gen Am Invest 2 97 1133s Gen Am Invest pf (8) 1 4111i 3(lA1 lien Am Tr (350G) A 9 Ili lien Bak (80A) A VS 31i Gen Bronze I 13 9 Gen Cable IA 251 11Ai Gen Cable A A 28 21AN Gen Cigar (58E) 8 45'i 31''4 Gen Flee (220G) II') 33Aa 30 Gen Foods (2) it IA) 1 Gen A I 11114 Allli Gen Mills (3) I 12IAa 118 Gen Mills pt (8) 90 3814 29AS Gen Mot 191) 115 112'1 Gen Mot pf (3) 1 5A4 4li Gen Outdoor Adv I 9 MI Gen Print Ink (9961 2 108 182 Gen Print Ink pt (li) JO 2i) Ili Gen Pub Serv 1 291i 18Aa Gen Ry Signal (2AE) 4 I Ils Gen Real and Fill 4 19 15 Gen Real and Util pf I 211 191i Refractories CIGI 281i 20As Gen St1 Cast pt 1 99 14 10's (len En (I25G) 1 Itli Ill's Gen Rub (1) IA 19's Ills Gillette Safety Ras (I) 32 601i 58 Gillette pt (5) 4 912 11111 hnbel Brox 8 58 All Gimbel $8 pf (8) 1 211S 2Illi Glidden Co (2) og ll's Gebel Adolph Inc 7 37a 3 Goebel Brew (2I)) 1 1914 13lli Goodrich i 1(1) 67 Wilt tills Goodrich pt (A) A 24 17'S Goodyr At (25E) 159 Pali Ill Goodyr TA pt (AI A VI Illi Gotham Silk Hos 4 2 Ili Graham Paige Mot IS Ali 414 Granby Con Mining 10 Ws 1331 Granite St! (11113G) 7 22l4 Grant (WT) (ME) 4 151i 12 GI Nor I 0 dr (7AE) 13 WS 19'S Great Nor Re Pt l261 82 32 i Great West Sug (230) 1 1271i 123 Gr West Sug pf (1) 29 21At 18 Green I (160A) 4 1011 PAS Greyhound Corp (11()A) 101 A'S I'll Greyhound pt 5 (55) I 8 5 Gulf Mobile Northern 19 15li Gulf Mo pt C9A9G) 3 A It -i -4- 1 1 4 -4- 3 A 1 Il I4 In It In 11 Itt4 It Ws 32 32 X2 Jft 11514 1911 Atli 17 0111 N't 53o A'4 49'1x 47 491t 431 414 19 19 19 281i 28 2814 318 Ili X18 18'4 111 111 244 218 11311 Ale 814 22 22 21 334 38i 314 1012 Wls PO ail 33 31 1914 1914 191i l'a li I 1 it 13 It 4- 1 4- I 31 1 -4- 1 11 -4- Movement In Recent Tears 115 31 1169 1539 3111 953 109 ISM 611 1813 6111 1 11131 low 1920 high 1927 low 14 131t 14 151t 15 151i R7 P7 87 67a 01t 117a R14 814 1114 95 95 95 4374 43 433 4 77i 77a 41i 414 Wig 10' 104 2111 201t 211 27 74 2t 42't 4174 42111 317a 8114 3174 1 1 54 121 121 1214 37 354 37 III lt 1111a 11411i 514 Ali 5'4 9 117a 9 1111 05 105 114 114 114 214 234 2474 171 1 19 19 10 247a 23 241i 2R14 27 2R 12a 12t 124 137a 1314 1374 111'4 174 10 59 611 ag 9 814 1111 55 53 B5 241t 21 241i 2'a 214 2' a 3' I 314 187a 11" a 1814 55 5274 ro 24 23'4 237a 1174 4 a 4 4'i 134 1 1 'a 5'2 Mt 1374 15a 154 254 2174 254 1174 12'4 1274 2474 23' 217i1 2117a 210a 120 129 1101 111t 1774 111i 111 974 10 7T0 514 1 1 18 19 14 a4 14 Ilt 11'1 Telautograph (m) 8 Tenn Corp t3501 11 1134 Texas It Pacific Ry 1 Ws Texas Corp (2) 4 a Po Tex Gulf Pr (141G) 34 21 Tex Cult Su lph (50F) 4 PPS '14ii Tex Pao (40) 23 113s itio Tex Pao Tr (206) 211s 14 Thatcher Mf (250) 1 Olt Thermoid Co 1 151 11 Thomp Prod (110n) 3 334 21i Thompson Starrett Vits Tide Wet As Oil (i) IS IS '18 Tide Vat As pf it30) 3 131a 10is Timp Pet Axle (15061 9 441a 34 Timken Roll (25F) 103ii Transameries 13 itls Trans West Air Pis als Transuo Wins (80C) 41s Vs Tri Coot Corp (256) 13 I I Truax Tr Coal CIO) 4 24 141i Tw ('en (25)G) 2A1i Tit Pn Fon pl (1501 314 Twin City Rap It 2 44 38 Tcitt pf (1G) Seller30 104 7 Twin Coach CMG) 718 714 714 22 22 22 44 441i 433i 4444 1m 414 43i 414 18 83 8234 8174 18 Vi 914 1034 1014 1014 14 2418 2414 2418 14 4 4 4 '4 1318 18 1818 14 274 274 214 4- 14 13 1414 13 7918 7914 1918 4- 1 1214 12 1218 18 43 4214 4214 si 1874 1834 1814 -4- tik 874 Asi 014 04 334 334 834 314 814 Ali 2278 22 2214 4 18 3114 3118 8114 1 4 4 4 si SA 88 88 9 14 9 9'i aot 1 314 12 4 1 i 1 As Is As 2 14 Is Is At 13s as 1 t's 23s 23s 2214 22 221i 2 111i 2 VI 91i 314 13 141 13 1914 19'4 114 V4 36 841 36 7 7 7 1534 104 104 33 34 35s 96 9134 1113i 19534 Insi4 19836 4914 431B 4316 17 1312 1 59'1 59 893ik 374 4 11 11 11 41 4211 43ti 514 8 11 321 31 32" 311 31 la 361 43 41'4 43 114 1'4 Pi 415 114 34 34 34 11 1111 Nash Belo (1213E) 35 117ip 911 1114 W14 111 Nash Chat St 50 154 15 151 113111 101s Nati Acme (1G) 6 1111 IPS 11S 4- '11 11114 7k Nati Aviation Corp 19 111 A's A's 11 211s 1714 Nati Biscuit (40E) 24 IPA 191a 1911 15014 150 Nail Biscuit rill 01 2 154 154 154 1314 141 4 Nati Csh Reg (NIEL 10 113i 171 1314 Nati Dairy Prod (110) 1 147s 14s -11 11)9 106 Nail Dairy pf (7)30 109 109 109 714 53a Nati Dept Stores 2 7 7 fils 41i Nail Dept Sill pt 1 111 4S 4qt 23311 1911 Nall Dist Prod (2A) 17 211S 2212 4 1111 17 Nat Enam Sip (2) 174 17 17 734 VI Nail Cypsom 17 73R 111 731 2934 21g Nati Lead (50) 1 211a 23't 21's 4- 1 24 1111a Nail WASH Cast (2) 14 23 22t 23 8'11 Ws Nall (Ai) 15 117 14 0134 IU Nat! St1 Corp (150A) 19 5714 KO 2 2211 1511 Nall Supply 115 2111 2111 111 75 70 Nat! Sup 6 pt (6) 1 75 75 7 771 65 Nail Sup 51S pt (550) 3 771 15 711 21 Nati Sup Al pf 11 261 251 26's Itt 1014 Ali Natomas Co (1101 6 91S a's 914 1061 100 Newberry 5 pf 20 195 105 105 4- 11 1914 N'porl Indul (2G) 1111It 17 18 114 19111 1511 Central 242 181 191 211 ('hi St I DI 151 171i 111 Itt 31414 2434 Chi St 1 pt 11 3011 271t WI 2011 20 Omnibus (4901) a 2913 20 24 41 44 314 Dock 1 30 4 4 4 lois Dock pf 330 1011 10 101 4- Ati 115 11114 Harlem (5110 115 115 11 L's 97 5114 Lack IV (5) 20 571 571S 57'1 2 II Ittfd 4 L's 24 21S 14 0314 41i 111fd pt 9 53i 514 5'4 1934 6's Ship Bldg 9's 9'4 14 412 50 Ship Bldg pi 20 152 52 2 4 1911 1140 Norfolk Wert (Mt 2 1110 Dia 1116 101 81k No Am Avis (11AG)- Al 011 101 9i 61 21 16a Nor Am MOO(1) 43 We 19'ol 193 Wi SO Nor Am pt (3) 2 513 1 131k 971 Nor Pao 7 1171 Ws 1214 1411 1111 Ohio Oil Co (1G) 17 ii 1:1311 1334 Ws 21 Oliver Farm 93 3171 111S Also Ils 11it IPS Omnibus (1110() 8 11s 113 ll'a 1934 oils Flee 115A) II 22 12114 121 0114 Fip pt (6) An 125 125 125 12 Otis Steel 25 101i 10 Inli 4- NI 661 4Pt Owens 111 Glasx (23E) 6 57 611i 5116 1 12 4- 41 BY FREDERICK GARDNER By the Asmociated Preas STEW YORK Feb 23--Stistained buying swept the stork mar-bet today and in the broadest advance of recent sessions leaders added 1 to 11 points or more The over-the-holiday change In the tomplexion of European affairs interpreted as indicating relattion of recent tension served as a spur to eonstruetive Inrces Investment demand was in evidence brokers said together with a considerable amount of short Covering The financial community accepted Britain's Inauguration of general conversations with Italy as possibly foreshadowing an eventual four power conference to smooth out troubles separating Pngland France Germany and the FsckI kingdom At the lame time it was noted the rench planned further armament accretion while other nations showed little disposition to slow down War material expenditures The daY's volume 1299315 shares was the heaviest since January 20 and compared with 758871 on Monday The Associated Press average of CO stocks advanced LI points to 465 Of the 826 issues traded IS advanced fill declined and 130 were unchanged Commodities like stocks felt the influence of renewed optimism Europe's squabbles were due for alleviation At Chicago wheat advanced 114 to lAs cents a bushel and corn was unchanged to ta cent higher Cotton gained 2 5 to 70 cents a bale Hides rubber copper silk and cottonseed oil futures Joined in a broad upturn Bonds with the secondary rails at the fore turned in imoresalo gains extending throughout the list Sterling after an early lift held about steady in the foreign exchange market but the French franc dropped sharply Steels aircrafts farm implements and the commodity shares rubbers and coppers were atrong from the start In the stock rat''' Later rails utilitica and merchandising issues turned active In the upside Gold mining equities contrarily tended lower Steel was a leader during the entire session finishing tai higher at Alta Others closing near the top were Bethlehem We Chrysler fittIs Douglas Aircraft et Anaconda 3514 International Nickel 521s Rubber 311s Westinghouse 10014 International Harventern 0104 DuPont 12s Santa Fe 3911 Western Union 271a and Texas Corp 2114 19 18 Ili 1914 619 1532 19 1914 131i 818 914 26 29 914 618 19 1412 414 31s 9119 19 199 I 4119 Is 14 60 651i 4ti 314 11 91 4919 3412 1118 9 3119 2234 3912 309 492 39 114 41 I's 1 I's 510 3 14 11 1 Ai Ili l'A 1118 919 3212 27 1932 1232 616 314 31 34 6319 461 1312 1114 91111 49 34 4- 'Is Is OOMISNO 1 li la 1 Hall Printing 11 Hamilton Watch (231) 1 20 Harbison Walk (25E) 17 8 Hat Corp A (20E) I Hayes Rody If navel Atlas (3) 1 8 Hecker Prod Cli01 IN Helm ((1V) (fiA) HO Heinle (GVV) pt (7) Wit Hercules Ntotor II I 807a Herrn lea Powd (MG) 8 128'1 Herru let Pow rof (I) 10 111 1a Hershey (94 pt (4A I 17 Holland Euro (M1E) 8 01 Holland pf (5) 111 Hollander 181s Holly lug itvir) Homestake Min (4311) Sti 811 Hood-Her It (130) 11 4811 Household lin (4A) 1 Winston Oil II 411 Howe Sound Co (IA) 13 It's Hudson Mo Car Until 18 1 1 a Hopp Motor Car 28 Pla Illinois Cent 32 011 011 01i 173s 173s 114 at 2'4 2111 441 a's 404 23i 14! 21i 9 2's 1s1 01 04 01 7 eNt fill 111 91 Di Di 114i In0 lie ISO 1111 1111 1411 4 22 3611 AR 1 I 1'014 1901i 1 DI DI DI 41 207S 90 9011 I14i 100 100 100 141 9 9 1014 19li 1911 6114 APli AD18 9 livim In vox 503x soh Iwo 011 Psi 0'4 111 DI D0 DI 111' 9 911 1111 P41 114 114 1 1114 1I1i 1114 14 1 3' I I 14 3 PI II Ill 1311 21 17 ht 54 139 I 93 9119 04 It a 231i 63'9 117s 39'm 07 tirit 1 Ill 535N MI 4 111 1114 1014 11 191 4 7 911i 234 204 11S 2111 4 i It 10 fl 1184 I Is 214 VIS 2'11i 4- Alt oil 4- 14 2314 211i 23 lIs 19 InIS 111111 ION 416 II1S 4- 'IS' 314 3 3111 4 Is 2014 2111i Is 7 614 7 4- it Pit sip SI 3134 31I5 6111 nits 11 Pris In' Intl 71S 7 VI 4- 11 711 71N 94 t5a I14 8714 07 07 4- Is lis 771 7111 4- 110 2014 15 2I's 66 614 814 1114 4- IS III4 914 In 63 63 63 3034 2934 3031 4 i III 514 I'N IN 314 33's 341s 7311 1414 71 1414 311 7034 691i 10 I an 66 66 1 571i INTS Illt an an nn 571S 111VS 111 It 4411 911 5911O 49 Undemsd Elliott (1E) 1 1214 143ii in Bag (121sG) 5 797 8914 Union estrbide (80E) 214a 11410 Union Oil Cal (12(1) 0 Anis 734 Union Pacific 150E) 7 PI 71 Un Pacific pl (4) 211i 211i Union Tank Cor (14101 2 104 Pot 'Unit Air Lines 17 2711 214 Unit Airer Corp (161 lin 191s 101a United Bi CON (40E) 5 Ws 39 United Carbon (4) 334 23i United t'orp (10(1) 07 3214 241 l'nited Corp pf (3) 23 73a nto United Drug (30G) 4 971 7 United Dyewood 7 IN 43 I'n Flee Cool 33 11014 l'nit 0 dy (30E) I rit1 544 United Fruit (3A) 1114 036 United (I) 22 2 114 111 in States I or See 4 1Ne 5 Distrib pf 20 In United States Freight 7 71 57 11 4 Gypsum (2A) 2'11 I Hoffman 134 In IT 4 Ind Alcohol AN 5 Ir 11 Leather 1014 13i 11 ft Leather A 19 fin 21 11 1 Leath Pr of (123K 1 51 24 (2) 33 till Cs 11 Realty Imp 13 3134 2214 IT Rubber 2119 7114 431 IT ft Rubber It 41 1134 SmA Ref (1E) A AA 1)3 SmAltet pt (350) 1 FIVis 303i ri Pt Steel 247 1111s 1l)4 Steel pf (7) 13 141 lVT 1 Pi Tab pt (7) I 161 132 IT 11 Tobaece (5A) 10 CO 41i Unit Stnek yds (50) 5 1114 United Sintril A 1331 1017 Utile Cyclops St' (IA) 1 114 la tit IA A Re the Mandated rrege NEW YORK Feb Is the complete ringing let of today's transactions on the New l'ork Stock Exchange: TOTAL SALES 1 PREVIOLS DAT 7704871 WEEK AGO SALES 71100 TEAS AGO SALES 2083990 TWO YEARS AGO 2 J13(1353 JAN 1 TO DATE 381990ta 44 4's 41s 13's 13 13's 4 rts 114 114 1117s 1114 30 30 40 III'S 10 10 sii 51i 33 31 31i's 60'4 1414 53's IFs Ills 011 914 15'4 1514 3934 39 394 151s 151i 1514 123 I 123 O's 11's 0141 1I's 121 21-19 1'14 1114 Ws II 11 Itit* 1104 11176 144's 101s MIN 114 I14 10 lo It 116 33 II 13 1 3(1 1 4 35's 3014 41's 4114 IIs IV 25 21'14 25 I's 3514 Ws 351s 23 22 23 1914 9 11114 113114 III 110s VS l's 3 93 93 22'4 21'S 21 92 9114 91'4 111 I's 111 3's 5 11! 10 10 11'4 1514 15 It's I 2 41 13's IVA 40 II 3 1 38ta III 1314 49 '11 1:01 123 211s Calif Pack (130A) 11 Callahan Zinc-14 3 Col Hecht (110G) Campb Wyant (1) 111 Canada Dry Ale I26 Canadian Pao 31 Cannon (541E) Cap Admin A (54)G) I Carpent Sti (185(i) 1 Carrier Gen (331) 1 Case 1 (36) 23 Case 1 pf (7) 1 Caterpil Tr (33E) 11 CO Corp of Am Celotex of (3) Cent Fdy 13 Cent BRN1 Cerro de Pasco (1E) 47 Cert-Teed Prod 8 Cert-Teedfi of Vie (Alessi) 0 (150E) 37 ('heoap Corp (3) 4 Chi 111 1 Chic Nor West 12 Chic Gt Western Chic Gt West of 2 Chi Mail Ord (13E) 2 Chic Mil St Chic Mil SI pf Chic Pneu Tool 4 Chi Pneu ev pf (3) 3 Chick Cot Oil 130E) Childs Co 4 Chile Copper (341E) 40 Chrysler (1061 151 Ciyt 1 (2) 4 111Y I I pf 16301 110 Cleve Pitts (3M) 20 Climax Moly (170G) 12 Cluett Peabody (1) 7 Coca-(ola (3A) Col Palm 43 Col Aikman (341E) 3 Colo South 40 Col So 1st pf 70 Col Ir (16) 3 Col Br Sys (40E) Col CO() 40 Col Pt A (3) 1 Col Pict vie (11 3 Col Pict of (273) 1 Colum Carbon (4) 9 Commer Cred (IA) IN Comm Inv Tr 1431 11 Com Solvent (AD) 17 Comwith Edison 11231 It ('omwith South 214 torn Sou pf (73K) 7 Congo' Nairn (2741) Congress (ig (1G) 1 Conn Ry 11 pf Con Aire Corp (511G) 43 Consol Cigar 05E1 I Consol Cigar pf I Con Edison (50E) 37 Con Edison pf (3) 7 Consol Film Ind Consist Latin Conn 011 41401 51 Consol Testate ('onsol Coal Contain Corp (120) It Cent Bak A 20 Cont Bak 2 tont Bak pf III Contin ('an (311E) 13 Cent Can pf (CM) 1 Cont Diam II 4 Cont Ina (100A) 4 (ontin Mot Con 0 of Del 123E) 37 COnt Steel 1173(1) I Corn Each Ilk (3) -210 Corn Prod (3) CetY Inc C111(i) Crane Co 11111 33 Crane Co ev pl (3) 2 Cream of Wit (30E) Crown Cork (311E) 27 Crown Zeller 123E) 30 Crucible Steel 31 Cuba Ce Cuba pf 20 Cuban Am Sugar Cuban A ft pl (IN() I0 Curtis Pub 4 Curtis Pub Pt (2tt) 2 Curtiss Wright le Curtiss Wr (33(1) Cutler Hammer (236) 13 40'1 3311 1512 131s 125 111 1111 1114 27-1s '21 1136 1114 20 15 2214 Wit Ps 7 011 1511 11 $3 MO IN 113 3101 3110 4114 90 10 111 21'ks 22'14 3 Ps 41'1 3114 21's 2191S 714 1011 011 191s 1141 Provious Pales Net High Low Stocks 'toiled High Low Last Chg I- 14 Its 41 3 44 Ie Its 41 II 3 44 i i 23 14 2111 1011 21 397n 1914 2114 17n MI6 307a 10' 2114 l'a 65 I Inn 1117 1n7 127 127 127 4- Innti lAnti 44 4's 4's 12 12 11 I I i 13 93 vita 1311i 25 93 44 311 3114 "4 2'i 212 T1 s4 sili 4- li 17'4 191i 4- 21 elli si siii 8 1414 7114 71i 72 71 12 1414 14 14'4 44 414 4'4 4'4 4- li 4li 4'4 4'4 14 74 23114 1114 11114 0114 14 44 41'4 414 104 1114 114 4- 4 s3i 150 150 150 Ogli 04 892i 412i Ali Ali 434 'i 4 4 4 lAti 102i Al2i oli at Ali 4-It $374 11114 1714 414 4'4 4'4 14 $74 R714 X114 7'4 Ali 74 721 Ali 134 1 1114 11'4 11'4 14 20'4 7714 701i 14 311 111 Cent leage line (4) 101 20 14 II linelg Cent pf 21 14 Industrial Ray (23E) 15 94 7311 Inergot Rand (150E) 7911 Al Inland Steel IC) 154 Ingpiratton Copper 4 101 411 314 Ingurgugh14 et (201 411 311) Interboro Rapid Tr 17 Inter Chem Corp 4 1131k Inter Chem Corp pf (8) 24 314 Interron Rubber 0 Interlake Ire)) (45G) 50 211 Internal Aarient 140 In Roe Math (RA) 1 57 Int 11 49 5n) 73i 5 Intl Ilvdro Flee A 4444 0 4711 314 Int Mere Marine 114 Int Mininc (13E) 444 10 1114 4314 Int 'Nick Can (50E) 4 VA fri4 Int Pap it R911 IS14 Int Pap Pt (5) 27 4 314 In fly of Cent Am 4134 3334 Itily Inter Shne 1 711 114 Int Tel and Tel 1101 714 4 Int A fOr el 30 13a 1111 Intergiate 10 St (211111 I 24 20'1 Igland Crk Coal CI) 7n I In 2314 1 101 1 1 poi i 11 4i 4i fl 22 151i 15i 15'4 3ssi mot 554 514 51 514 2104 25111 254 5ii 5't XII 53 51 51 Voligeo 231S Von Ragit (501E) I tgs Vanadium Corp 4IG) 31 41 Ws Vick Chem I2A) glS Virg Care Chem 411 V2Is trs VC Ch pe pf 11so() Vs 34 Virg Iran 51 43 Vulcan De tin (f6) 40 4 It 4- Is 11 I 111'4 Psi Pie Am Fish (120) 11 11'm 4 Pee Coast 80 13 13 Pite Coast 1st pf to 3i 4 Par Coast end pf 20 231a 2514 Pao El (2) 8 40 35 Pee Light (3) 2 101a 13 Pao Mills 4 118 110 Pie lill I 151ii Pie Pae IVestern Oil (156) Ala 4 Pack Motor 1250) 43 111 Ila Panhandle Refg 2 3311 13 Panhandle Prod p1 80 lels 111ii Param rift 113 12111 Pla Param piet 2 pf (AM 13 21n Park II Minea (156) 20 3134 313a Parke Davis 150E1 4 2034 17 Parker Prf (150) I 11i Parmelee Trans I 334 414 Pathe Film 1 R's Patine Ent 1261 I 47 4134 Penick Ferri (30E) I 13 411 Penney I (1E) 4 131i 13 Penn GI 34 elf (1G1 1 1411 133i Penn 11 112361 33 311a 301i GI (26)" I I 11311 Pere Mars 1 3714 e4134 Pere Marti pf 10 374 el Pere Mato Pr pf (8)511 134 11114 Petrol Corp 1127G) I 1314 I Pfeiffer Brew I 313a 221ii Phelpa Dode (101:) ing 84 12 1 DI Mrs 11114 Philip Morris (3) 12 41a 314 Phillips Petrol Cll" 41 Ille I Pleree Oil pf I 'WI ertill Pills Flour 4101) I 50 40 Pirelli (10331G) INNI Illis Pitts Vs Ry 330 'Pt VI Pitts Coal I Pills Coal pf 1 Pitts co*ke Iron pf 181 18 frit 10i Pine I 11 (MG) 0 1014 101a Pitts Sti 2 40 33 1P1111 3teel pf JO Pitts Term Coal pf 50 91r4 Ili Pitts 17nite4 Corp 3 We 1016 Plymouth Oil (l40A) 1(0 12 I Poor Co II 7 4314 314 Pest fah pf 3 104 Ila 4 Sti Car 125Gh 30 10'4 I'g Pres fiti Car 1 pf Lei) 3 311i el Pres MI 2n4 Pf 1230) 2 Mlle 45111 Prop Gam IV 3 3511 30s Ph 111 Corp 3 12801 11 WI 135 rh I JR Pt 111120 htlft PI 'li Ph $3 pf (5) I Ph 111 El 11501 34 13i Inla Pure nil (lIG) 112 Pitt 34 Pure Oil 8 Ilf (R) 1 101h 1314 Purity Bak (15E) I 50 it pf 10 pf 20 (2) 5 3) 2 4 141 1 OH (136) 9 (2301 43 Rofr 2 Prod pf 40 14 pf (AM 13 me (136) 20 (ME) 4 rf 4 tin' A 1 Ent (261 A )111 (MW)" 3 (1E) 4 elf (1G) 1 (123G) 63 A (26)- 1 Pf 30 pf (51 54 1 1121111 0 114140 111 (10E) 1011 I III Is (3) rol (2) 41 PI 1 4140) 11G1 ES Ry 330 1 1 iron pf (5)15 (413G) 4 2 rf 16 pf -30 Corp 3 111 (LOA) 19 1 sh pf 3 Car (23G) 39 1 pf (231 3 nd pf 2 PW 11) 5 51 3 11401" 11 Pt (01) 20 3 pf (3) I (150) 31 2-6) 112 pf 1 44 44 411 114 174 174 4- 1 11 11 111 2414 2414 2414 M' 4M 4 14 10 1511 4 14 115 113 113 4 111 1311 1311 1311 1 44 454 4'4 114 114 114 5314 5111 5311 4 104 104 144 '4 101 104 it 21 211 24 3314 33 35'4 204 20 204 II 2 2 A11 54 Mi 14 1114 1111 1114 t4 41 44 41 114 111t 1211 3 1314 1314 134 2:14 2338 4 1I14 3314 3214 3214 1314 1314 134 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(t 30) 4 1171 Il'a 11111 114 114 114 1311 13'1 1314 147a 14 101 1314 131'4 131a 18 1514 IR 1)114 111 1314 170 160 170 81a 811 111 II 1311 1311 rig CI 49 49 47 44 4614 1111 1111 14 11 2so 224 71i 2134 63 62 63 15 14 15 401i 40 4011 1111a 16114 91 23'a 23 23i Ws 1511 151a 1114 A 13 1314 11'4 1414 4 3 la 314 17'1 1104 213n 23 914 19 11 11 314 3714 354 3514 Ps Ps 23 61 131a 351a Eta 514 R3 2914 10'1 23 1914 111a 311e 511a 134ta 31 vo 11014 631a 65 1394 O's 10's 5'4 3514 11a 35' 4 411a 11 io 4th Vit 2014 Vitt 417n 3914 012 012 4032 134 0'2 1712 1312 2914 25 35 27 1021 Pt 121 117 1141 11112 1912 1412 411 312 314 VII 4 2314 2712 2034 10934 01 140 31 171h 13 2032 24 2734 2114 131 014 111 211 131 232 214 3 214 0'4 41t 14 4311 Poll 1914 II 3111 311 19'2 1112 Is 4- I 4- II' 4- I 4- I 4- IS 110 -4-1- -4 1 ii 311 34 191n 10111 10's 4311 4214 4316 VA 01 Ali 13 1211 13 016 A1 Ali 13 1416 13 2716 3S 31 33 A3 91 PS 120 120 120 11 III III 19 II 10 4'n 4 411 2T t7 216 2354 27'n 2R 23'6 2316 10016 RR in0' 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2 164 Adams Lop (6116) 17 113 1911 Addroosograph (1401 9 171 Advance Rume 1181i 4611 Air Reduct 11A1 17 114 1 Air Ways El App A 1331 1031 Alaoke Jun 16041 Ill 114 Allegheny 19 173 12 Alleghany pf sw 2 17la Illk Allegh pf $:411 ww In 1714 121a Allegh pfd 110 ww 2 1711 1311 Allegh pi pf 2134 1514 A11e81t Sti 17611 1541s Al Ch Dye 16A1 0 Ile A Allied Kid (i) 1 Ills 11 Allied Mile 1261 931 811 Allied Stores 19 11311 42 Al Stores pf AllisCh Mfg 13711E1 3511 Ills Alpha rt CI) 11A1 As 21e Antal Leath 3 r1211 27 Amerada 121 6 06 115 Am Ag of 11 177361 2 1371 11 Am Bank 125E1 4211 307fi Am Brake t31001 10 DUI 7034 American Can 141 9 2711 Ws Am 1256w 11 37I 13 Am Ch Cab 125E1 8 814 6 Am Colortype Co 2 1334 1011 Am Coml Alen 13061 8 3634 1314 Am Cryst (i)flE) 2 434 3l Am Eneaus Til 15 4 3 Am Ear Pow 19 1311 Am Pow 111 pl 4 It 1634 Am l'w 17 pf 3111 Ile Am Pw 2nd pf 4 32 18 Am Bewail SS (IA1 1 431 A Am 7 8114 8371 Am Home Pr (LIO) 6 I American Ice 1 171 136 Am Internall a 2314 17 Am Loco 43 Wu A4 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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Views: 5976

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.